Nov 17, 2007 11:00
Haha, yeeeah...
So, I generally try to avoid being to loose with my money, but I know that sometimes I am. :X I guess when I have more money coming in, it's easier to spend some here and there. Sure, by January I'll still have enough to carry me through two or three semesters of school, but I have to laugh at myself when looking back over my bank account, I realize that over the last four months, I've managed to spend a little over $800 on... well not much. I haven't even made any major expenditures. :P I've purchased some clothes I didn't need... far too many CDs, which I never have time to listen to... food when I'm desperately hungry at work, because I never have time to eat. (And the food is always exorbitantly expensive!) But the real kicker? Gasoline alone has been over $350 of that, and I don't even drive very much. :P But you all know that gas is expensive... How hideous.
Anyhow, I talk about money a lot. Haha. Aren't you sick of me? :B Maybe not, because I haven't been on eljay in a while. I do kind of miss it. I just never have time. ;(
I don't have time for many things anymore. :P And when I do have spare time, I'm really just chillin'. My lappy and I haven't been getting along lately. It started dragging its little figurative feet whenever I wanted it to do anything, and no matter what I did, I couldn't get rid of all of the garbage and background processes, so I uh... reformatted it. Lol. I still haven't gotten it back to its old comfortable self. It's hard work making a computer comfortable. It's like breaking in new shoes. I'd forgotten that. :P Oop.
Work is going well, though. It's good money. Or something like that. I enjoy one of my jobs more than the other, but both are entirely tolerable, and after the end of December I'll only be working one job, which is something I'm really looking forward to. :)
I've also registered for classes for the spring! I'm very excited about this. I'm only signed up for three classes at this point, but that'll be 10 credit hours, and I'll still be working 30 hours on top of it, so I'm ohkay with it. My main goal this semester was just to take the minimum nine credit hours required to get into my major (Mass Communication), and the three classes I'm taking are the three major prerequisites for all of the other Mass Communication classes, so it should work out. A couple of my coworkers, Khanh and Matt, are trying to convince me to enroll in a class with them (Investing and Finance, or something like that :)) and I'd actually really like to, but as of right now, I can't rearrange my schedule to make it work, because one of the class sections I'd need to take is full. Oh well, maybe it will open up.
So yesterday, I went iceskating with Chris, Andy, and Andy's chickfriends from Idaho. It was pretty funny, because neither Chris nor Andy had ever been ice skating before. :) We had fun, though. It was good. Tonight is Chris' work party. It sounds... intimidating. :B I have to dress up fancy. I hope I don't feel like a retard, though I probably will. I don't do formal. Lol. It's all good, though. :) I can handle being an accessory. (I CAN TAKE IT!) Every once in a while. <3
Anyhow, we'll call it even, because he's coming to Thanksgiving dinner--at my aunt's house no less. And I know how much he loves crowds. Ohkay, maybe that's not even at all. :/ But who's really counting?
Alright, I actually do have work to do, now. I hope this finds you all well. I tried to keep up with all of your entries for a while, but at this point, I'm really going to have to just throw in the towel. D: (You all update so much!) Please, do tell--what's happening in your life? How are you? What have you been up to?
You're great. :)
- Jordan