Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin. Honesly? I laughed when Jess walked into the kitchen last night (as I was on the phone with Lisa) to tell me that it was a stingray barb that was the end of the fool. But as predicted, I am quite sad now. :( I'll miss him.
In other news... I missed my first day of church in my new ward yesterday, because I got a migraine within the first five minutes. Yeah, that was lame. (And I've now added my Immitrex to my list of things to bring from home at the next possibile opportunity. Ugh.) I went to Jess's (my roommate) family's house for dinner last night, which was pretty cool. Her family is pretty fun. :) (They live in Orem, so it took all of five or ten minutes to drive there.) For whatever reason, I've been having the worst social anxiety up here on campus. It's bizarre, really. I don't know. I guess I just don't usually run with these sorts of people. It's making me a little sick. We'll see how it all goes. Maybe things will be better after classes start... tomorrow.
Guess what!! I did something amazing yesterday. I managed to change class my schedule, so now I'm going to repost it for you (but mainly for me).
Lifestyle Mgt 8:00-8:50am
German 9:00-9:50am
Intro to Drawing 3:30-6:50pm
Religion 8:00-8:50am
German 9:00-9:50am
Honors Reasoning & Writing 12:05-1:20pm
Lifestyle Mgt 8:00-8:50am
German 9:00-9:50am
Religion 8:00-8:50am
German 9:00-9:50am
Honors Reasoning & Writing 12:05-1:20pm
Intro to Art 6:00-7:50pm
German 9:00-9:50am
You'll note the only changes from
my old schedule are to Monday and Friday. Awesome 'possum!! I now only have one class on Friday, so my evenings are open. This makes me very happy. I'm dancing inside. (I danced on the outside yesterday.) But alas, there is much to be done today, so I must be off!!
- Jordan