Today was a Pie day.

Aug 26, 2006 00:26

From left to right: Brittany, Shaun, Nicole, Sean, Byron, Sam (Wolfwood), Ryan (Dom), Me, James (Rokimbo), and Connor.

Today was fun... but sooo long. So long. By the end of the day I was absolutely exhausted. My appointment with the opthamologist at 9:45, after going to bed at 4:00 in the morning meant I was running off of four hours of sleep, so today was a little rough, especially after my eyes were dilated three times over. Yeah. Anyhow...

Just a couple of side notes:
- I'm not real big on just walking into Connor's house (even if he told me to). Really, I'm not. I'll only do it when I really have to... Like when his family is home, but they're not answering their phone or doorbell and I really need to get my wallet/planner/stuff that I left there. This is still strange to me.
- I don't mind showing up at Sean's house when he's not there, taking his sunglasses, chatting it up with his mom, raiding his fridge, and just bumming around for half an hour.
- Jordan (from Oklahoma) got in, today. Pretty cool. :) I still need to meet him!
- I'm running off of four hours of sleep from last night. I should be in bed now.

I promised Connor I'd go to bed early tonight... He didn't define early. I hope this is early enough. :(

- Jordan

P.S. I took a lot lof photos today. I'll upload more later.

friends, connor, sleep, pictures, events, doctors

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