Well, after a couple of different conversations this evening, I'm feeling better about things. I mean, nothing is perfect, but everything is going to be alright. (Of course, I already knew this, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded, yes?) This song is still practically the best ever, and will most likely retain that status for at least a couple more days. <3
I am totally going to go sleep now, before school attacks me again, tomorrow. :) I'm so glad it's a short week. After today, there won't be another day off of school until Presidents' Day, which is tragic. Oh, well. (I'm actually hoping that Lisa and I might be able to go visit Kim over that weekend, but I'm not sure if our parents are going to go for that one... Here's hoping.) At any rate... I'm feeling optimistic about school. I didn't bother to go in today about German, but I'm feeling pretty good about my 3.95. :)
But now I really am going to sleep... ;)
- Kat