Boyfriends MySpace status after my ranting of my purging/cutting:
I just dont know what to do anymore...
Mood: ready to give up
I shouldn't automatically assume he means he's sick of me right? There's alot more going on.
I'm afraid of Stef leaving me because of this. Because I can't stop purging and cutting; I'm always doing one or the other. and he'd told me I was allowed to rant to him about it...but after the whole Teresa [his mom; see previous posts] situation I feel like I'm just being a further burden to him...
He just told me if I could stay clean until we move in together, i can pick the color of the walls, and we'll have vodka... I don't deserve him. I'm going to keep my mouth shut, I think. Should I? Should I just keep quiet until things smooth over? I hate having people know...