Jun 10, 2005 12:18
I am a little less stressed out than before. University Relations retaliated last week and called to request a private meeting with the chair about the progress (or lack of) of the website. It is really my role that is holding up the website. I am currently stuck trying to collect photography. We have no photography that we can really use since we have no photo releases. So, I have been contacting different sources that Sociology has to see if anyone would be willing to donate their photography. However, it is taking time to hear back from them. I have sent University Relations what photography I have so far and have been keeping them informed about where I am with it. Unfortunately, they refuse to respond to my correspondance. They also have stopped corresponding with our project manager (who I am working under) after she defended my abilities and skills. So, basically they will not work with us anymore. So, I had been worried all last week about what University Relations was going to accuse of us of doing (or not doing) to our chairperson. We were not going to be at the meeting to defend ourselves. So, on Tuesday, they had the meeting (I was at 4-H that day, thank god). On Wednesday morning, the chairperson came to my cubicle and said that her, the project manager and I needed to have a private meeting pronto. She didn't sound happy. So, I am assuming that University Relations have said the worst of us. I told the project manager this and she was furious. So, on Monday, when we have our meeting, it will be interesting. I am not really looking too forward to it...but at the same time, I want to hurry up and defend our side of the story so that the chairperson doesn't think that we are uncooperative slackers.
Saturday I am going (with the rest of the gang) to the Detroit art festival. It will be fun and has been giving me something to look forward to this past week.