Feb 24, 2007 14:19
Dear self,
Do not write Deathstroke With A Lantern Ring.
If you insist on playing with Green Lanterns, write the Lois!Lantern fic you were mulling over the other day, or write an OFC with a disability who gets offered a Lantern ring, or -- ooooh. Misfit! Misfit the Green Lantern! Yes!
Or write Sandra Wusan turning down the offer of a Lantern ring. Something. But please, self, don't write the AU where, after being dosed with the serum in that ill-fated experiment, Slade Wilson is offered a Lantern ring.
And, self, if you write anything Lantern-y, talk to Morchades. She knows a lot more than you about how that sector of the DCU works.
P.S. All input on Themed Week Of Ficlets has been noted! I will start posting the things for that after I finish and post Mildred's Weird Weird Request.
(Ruby? You would totally deserve it if I threw something at you for that one.)
P.P.S. MORE MANHUNTER YAYES. Clearly we should celebrate with Diana/Kate Spencer fic. *nod nod*
*wanders off for food*
green lantern