This is the icon I wish I'd had uploaded when Ruby was posting
*pets their scary selves*
Also! Reccing a couple other Jason things:
More Than Two, which I have yet to review there because I am made of *suck* and also lame. (Gloss? Don't read. Srsly. Ruby? Definitely read.) Pairings I never thought of, never considered, and which were handled *really well*. Really, I should just give a rec to
fickle_goddess and call it a day. She clearly loves Jason and she clearly loves Steph.
This one was originally written as commentfic for me. Again, clearly loves Jason.
ALSO THIS ONE, also written as commentfic and later posted elsewhere.
(Gloss, you probably shouldn't read any of them except the second. *pets you*)
(F_G, Trillian still refuses to work with MSN. Chat is being evil to me. *grumpy face*)