Title: You and your faces
Summary: Soldiers are only pawns, after all.
Author's Notes: Fandom shouldn't let me research CIA mind-control products. I check timelines, find they work, and then get bunnies.
This story is canon.
Psych_30 prompt seven, Nature vs. Nurture.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters described herein; DC has all.
They tell him the drug is to make him resistant to sodium pentathol, sodium amytal, scopolamine, anything that could make a soldier tell United States secrets.
He is loyal, and he believes them.
They say that the drug is an experimental ACTH, that it will stimulate the adrenal cortex. They do not tell the subject or his wife or his friends why an ACTH would be useful against truth serums. The subject has surrounded himself with good soldiers, and they do not ask.
For those among them who are reluctant, those who are sentimental regarding his wife and young son, subject 12748's file is pulled up: underage soldier, selected for one of the secret training camps designed to take the best and make them something better, had agreed to participation in Project MK-TRUTH before his twentieth birthday. Had volunteered for this experiment.
For three weeks they fill the subject's veins with drugs, taking blood samples before and after each new injection, running tests on sensory deprivation and tissue damage, and they do not stop until he goes into shock and further experimentation would be uselessly fatal. They manage to keep the family away for a week. The subject remains sedated for two.
The experiment is a failure, the subject defective from ingravescent abrasia. Despite the bouts of strength, the near-comatose periods between are too much of a liability for a soldier. The blood samples are destroyed, as are the notes.
Most of them.
The subject does regain full mobility.
When information comes out about the unexpected effects of substances used in Operation Ranch Hand, they decide that must have been the cause for the odd results in subject 12748, who had after all pulled from the Vietnam conflict for them.
It is not until Deathstroke is known to be subject 12748 that they realize the experiment succeeded, and that they have almost entirely lost.
ACTH stands for
adrenocorticotropic hormone.
Sodium pentathol has been used as an anasthetic; no truth serum has ever been found that is truly reliable. Sodium pentathol, for example, suppresses the cognitive functions so that the subject is less likely to think clearly enough to lie, but it in no way guarantees truth.
Ever heard the phrase in vino veritas? Same kinda deal.
Project MK-TRUTH is a later name for
Project MKULTRA. Slade's involvement in the MK projects is not canon. But *very* easily could have been. I mean, even *Bruce* could've been a result of
Project Monarch. Yes, Marcelo, I am talking to you.
Operation Ranch Hand is the operation in which
Agent Orange was sprayed in Vietnam.