So it's a quarter to six in the morning and I am entirely awake.
Because I just showered to get vomit off.
I'm lying in bed trying desperately to sleep and suddenly need *very badly* to get to a toilet. Clapping my hand over my mouth simply results in me vomiting *into my hand* and thus spraying vomit over my chest, my hair, and my face.
Say it with me, y'all: EW. Hot showers are my bestest friends ever.
There is also vomit on my carpet. And my bed. I already dealt with the vomit in the bathroom.
I think I'll sleep on the couch until my room's clean.
Have you ever noticed how your teeth feel weird after throwing up? I think I might dislike that almost as much as the taste. My throat is still burning, even after gargling and swallowing water.
When one is a college student, one cannot go to one's parents to deal with these sorts of things. Pity. One can, however, get said parents to bring one ginger ale. One can also get said parents to bring one chicken noodle soup and bread for dry toast.
Dear body,
If you're *going* to make me ill, can I at least have had fun?