Title: Through a dark mirror
Summary: Days in the lives.
Author's Notes: I was working on another
Othersideverse ficlet and realized that various characters I've learned about through chat with Marcelo haven't been mentioned to the rest of you. So! Here they are.
Written, as always, with permission.
Mike. Their bodies say it is a good thing, a helpful thing, to have her be a Mike. Some say Michael, some say angel, some say shield, but they mean the same thing. Mike drops from the roof and knocks the gun from the boy's hand before he can shoot, and the twitch of the pipe in the policeman's mouth says 'thanks' and 'friend'.
Tim's never had a brother, or a family quite like this. It is faintly disloyal of him, to be more glad that Mr. and Mrs. Grayson -- they insist he call them Mary and John -- are alive than he is sad that his own parents are dead. But they are, and Tim is an orphan, and if that's why Dick is ruffling his hair and teaching him to flip and *smiling*, then Tim can't be sorry. For any of it.
Dr. Thompkins stitches the wound in the boy's shoulder swiftly and hands him a bottle of disinfectant. "Here. Clean the cut with this for the next few weeks. Come back immediately if there's any sign of infection, Jason."
He sneers at her through a split lip -- gangs get in fights, and a leader as young as he is constantly proves his worth -- but he takes it and nods.
She watches him go, watches him tug an apple from his pocket and hand it to a too-scrawny girl standing in line to see her, and quietly hates Bruce Wayne for wasting his talents on murder when he could help these children. She has yet to forgive Alfred for taking so long to inform the police.
Barbara Gordon taps a pencil on the desk and eyes the computer screen narrowly. Gotham's police force desperately needs better hackers, better computer skills in general, and if her father won't let her be a street cop... there's nothing stopping her from working with the electronic division and working her way out from there.