lord_dingsi has been spamming me with links, and I quoted a bit from another link in the same archive. And then we kept going.
katarik: ... "Let’s think about this for a second: Kaye says that Hillary’s unqualified to be president because she’s too controversial, so she recommends that we vote for James “Sponge Bob is Out to Bugger Your Kids” Dobson instead."
katarik: oh, america. i weep.
katarik: so did jesus. and not for the reasons james dobson thinks he did.
Cut for religion and politics and sarcasm.
lord_dingsi: James Dobson is a freak.
katarik: amen
sorry for the capslock abuse
lord_dingsi: I mean, I am getting pissed about it and I am an ATHEIST dammit
katarik: they are HIJACKING MY CHURCH
lord_dingsi: IT'S CONTAGIOUS
katarik: yes, ethics belong in politics. yes, morality belongs in politics.
katarik: the morality in question should be micah 3:3: do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your god.
katarik: THAT'S what your precious bible says god requires of leaders
lord_dingsi: no, the bible says we should interrupt decent people's burial ceremonies with hateful slogans and hate everything and everyone being different and stuff... doesn't it?
katarik: the kjv does, which of course is the only real bible despite being a bible scholar's JOKE because the translation is crap.
lord_dingsi: oh man.
katarik: (and no, it doesn't either.)
katarik: (the king james bible is the one fundies like to use.)
katarik: (it's beautifully worded, lovely lyrical language, terrible translation.)
lord_dingsi: you are teaching me religious stuff, you know that?
katarik: *beams* slowly but surely i will make you able to argue with stupid bible-thumpers *using the bible*. and i will mock them.
lord_dingsi: I love it when people do that. "But it says in X that you must not commit homosexual acts!" - "Oh yeah? That was a translation error. Oh, and it also says in X that you must not eat fish ever. Now go away."
katarik: srsly. there are these morons who want to bring back old testament law as us law. a lot of them have ties to the big banks.
katarik: exodus states that charging interest on loans is a crime against the lord. the old testament states that every fifty years, all debts must be forgiven. ALL.
katarik: i keep wondering if they're looking at the same bible i am.
lord_dingsi: O_O
really, the old testament is a weird patchwork of rules stitched together for a culture that is more than just a few centuries ago. I mean, HOW?
katarik: also, the old testament is the first place god said you were required to love your neighbor.
lord_dingsi: but not gay neighbors, or colored neighbors, or...
katarik: 'thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. i am the lord.' leviticus.
katarik: there's also a bit about the treatment of aliens, saying 'if you aren't nice to people who aren't your kind, i will come smack you down.'
katarik: still leviticus.
lord_dingsi: this is seriously awesome.
katarik: the bible is a fantastic literary work with bits that seriously trouble me.
katarik: other bits make me dance in my chair.
lord_dingsi: also, this is kewl: *chokes on laughter*
katarik: man, if jesus had had an l-j he would have posted so many things about what idiots the disciples were
lord_dingsi: YES
lord_dingsi: SO MUCH YES
katarik: "still not crucified. peter is an idiot. sometimes i wonder if he should be pope after all. mary for pope!"
lord_dingsi: also, awesome link.
lord_dingsi: WAH
*adores you even more now*
katarik: kat for pope!
lord_dingsi: FANDOM FOR POPE!
katarik: that would be a deeply terrifying church
lord_dingsi: naah. They'd allow practically every belief system imaginable as long as they use proper warnings and labels.
katarik: *snerks* lots of sects.
katarik: y'know, fandom might already be a church.
katarik: with cults.
katarik: *daydreams about fandom's nunneries*
lord_dingsi: AHAHAHA
lord_dingsi: the most perverted nunneries ever
katarik: same for monasteries
lord_dingsi: nguh.
katarik: *smirks*
lord_dingsi: also, both would meet on a regular basis for orgies and gen.
katarik: absolutely!
LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)