Whoa. Hello, feminist rage.

Jul 09, 2006 19:36

Subject line stolen from Petronelle, who sent me this link. http://comics.ign.com/articles/712/712552p1.html

Go read it, then come back. Most of you will probably know exactly why I'm angry as soon as you see the title: Ten Books for Your Girlfriend.

Okay, yes. All the titles sound good. I have been recced both Bone and Strangers in Paradise, have liked what I read of Runaways, and utterly adore Sandman. *waves to lord_dingsi*


Where is my Nightwing (Even though OYL NW is crap, and I would prefer to ignore it completely)? Where is my Robin? My Birds of Prey? My Superman? My Detective Comics? My Manhunter? My Flash? My Action Comics? My Young Avengers?

Where, in short, is my license to like more than 'romance' and/or 'coming-of-age'?

I'm not saying that telling a girl that she might like Sandman is bad. I'm not saying girls can't read romance novels; in some ways, that's as sexist as saying *all* a girl can read is romance novels. Dude, read whatever you want, cheap bodice-rippers and Camus included.

I would recommend Sandman to a guy *or* a girl, because I think it's a good comic and I like it. I would also recommend Manhunter or Secret Six to a guy or a girl, for the same reasons.

I get the reasoning behind not giving a newbie a continuity-heavy comic, but *jeez*. Hand somebody Sandman *plus* Robin: Year One, okay? The Year Ones are light on continuity, easy to pick up, etc. Batgirl:YO rocked. Nightwing: YO, although the Jason Todd bit will make a sane person make the o.o face.

I like Sandman *and* superheroes, and I am a teenage girl, so STFU, jerk.

Bah. *goes to read Georgette Heyer and Batman*

comics, feminism, rant

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