Jun 08, 2006 23:59
me: ... Ann Coulter is pissing me off again. Only this time it's not her politics, it's her religion.
chevauchee: oh?
i'm still het up at her about her comments about the jersey widows
me: Okay, so, according to Ms. Coulter, Jews are really Christians.
Episcopalians aren't.
chevauchee: .....
me: bzuh?
chevauchee: the whole house is screaming "WTF"
this is news to both Jews AND Episcopalians
me: You have a sensible house.
All this time I thought that I'd converted back to Christianity!
chevauchee: HA HA FOOLED YOU
me: Thank you, Ms. Coulter, for showing me that really I'd have had to convert to Judaism.
chevauchee: they suckered you in with the crosses and the jesus talk, but it was all a giant ruse!
What? No, really, *what*?