White American-Southern girl asking about racism:

Sep 02, 2009 17:14

And now that everyone's run screaming...

I know why Aunt Jemima is based in privilege and racism. I know why blackface is based in privilege and racism. What I don't get, and what I have never seen explained, is why "fried chicken and watermelon" is considered racist when associated with Black folks.

(This question also applies to soul food; turnip greens, cornbread, chitterlings, etc. Fried chicken and cornbread is *Southern* food, like soul food, and I do not get where the racism there comes from. If anyone knows the origin, would they mind explaining?)

ETA: Okay, this question came out wrong; I am not attempting to say that I get to define what is racist and what is not. That is not my place; White girl over here, y'all. What I was questioning was why a set of foods which to me triggers 'American Southern,' not 'Black,' triggers different reactions in other people. I apologize for inadvertently causing offense and will try to tug my pants back up.

the difference between flammable/inflamm, southern fried

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