Title: Give each creation Summary: Adeline had not previously considered how close making something is to breaking it. Author's Notes: For merfilly, who gave me the initial prompt, and for ilyena_sylph, who is not feeling well. ( Read more... )
I am not entirely happy with it, actually, because it feels a little bit like that sort of story which ends with the woman Happy and Fulfilled because she has completed her Maternal Duty --
And Adeline doesn't work that way. So it isn't that sort of story, but on a casual read it *looks* that way.
But I am glad that you liked it, because if you do it does not look quite that much that way as I was worried it did.
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And Adeline doesn't work that way. So it isn't that sort of story, but on a casual read it *looks* that way.
But I am glad that you liked it, because if you do it does not look quite that much that way as I was worried it did.
Maybe it's just because you can write. :)
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