So I am now officially less than two weeks away from no longer being a teenager. Clearly this means I should do more memes. So!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
This icon was made by Reshelved because Petra needed a Slade/Dick icon to post Tiercel with. I stole it because it is the cover of NIGHTWING 80, which is an issue I adore madly. I love the size contrast of these two, and this icon exemplifies it. Look at those *hands*, I just. Size kink hello. This is an icon of Porn waiting to happen.
This icon was made by Deconcentrate. It's the panel from Infinite Holiday Special when Kara is telling the dude that she can't tell his daughter he'd died, because she can't lie. It's an S thing. She's glad he understands.
And then she drops him.
That was the page where I fell in love with Kara. She was developing a personality! She was being *Supergirl*, for a particular scary meaning of the word that has kind of a lot to do with Gotham.
The keywords are a quote from another issue, "Don't play mind games against a crazy chick," and they're another bit of Kara I adore: she *knows* she's messed up. And she'll use that.
This icon was made by Merfilly. It's a panel from WW v2 63, where Slade and Diana are fighting. She's got him in the lasso and is all 'okay, know yourself as you really are!' expecting the technique to work on him like it does everyone else.
Only, well. Slade knows exactly what he is.
The reason I had to have this icon is that it meshes so well with Slade v. Deathstroke: Slade is not like Bruce. There's not, like, Bruce and Brucie and Batman and Scary Bat God. There's just Slade. Deathstroke isn't a persona, it's a codename.
Of course, that's not *always* true, because Slade is complicated like that. Slade buries himself in Deathstroke all the time, in order to accomplish a mission, or in order to pretend he doesn't care about something, c.f. Titans Hunt.
But the point, that Slade knows exactly what he is, remains true. Slade *does* know exactly what he is: Slade is not going to think "Deathstroke is an assassin" in the same way Bruce thinks "Batman doesn't kill". Slade is going to think "I am an assassin," because as far as he's concerned Deathstroke is no more than a name and a mask. The man under it is the same.
Jaime is just so adorable, and so awesome, I love him *so much*. You have no idea. And having an icon referencing Spider-Man amused me mostly because Peter's considered such a bantering hero, whereas Jaime is canonically of the opinion that "banter. sucks. so much." I just kind of. JAIME.
I get a little incoherent when I discuss Jaime, I'm sorry. He is heart.
*uses other Blue Beetle icon*