Title: Somebody or something
Summary: Gotham has no death sentence. Gotham needs no death sentence. It has Bruce Wayne.
Author's Notes: Old chatlogs, dude. They're trouble.
Othersideverse.He will not sleep tonight.
Not because the work is difficult. Carving a cross is sufficiently simple that it barely deserves the label 'work'. Two boards of white pine nailed together. There is not even a need to paint the wood.
He will not sleep tonight because the work is *his* work. He does not do anything so foolish as bleeding his own blood onto the cross, but each one is another reminder of his failures.
A woman was committed to Arkham Asylum today. Judge Dent pronounced the sentence, and the courtroom had fallen silent but for one victim laughing.
She will be buried in, Alfred judges, three days.
The cross is already made. In preparation.