Title: Sound be thy sleeping
Summary: Rose is her mother's daughter, too.
Author's Notes: I was talking with
ilyena_sylph about Rose and daddy issues and the complete lack of notice being paid to her *mommy* issues. Me being me...
Set some nebulous time after Titans East. Does not require anything like detailed knowledge of that arc.
It isn't unusual to see Rose and Joseph -- Joe? Joey? Tim will have to ask. There hasn't been time, recently. -- sparring. 'Playing,' perhaps, is the better word. There is a degree of entertainment, of pleasure, of having *fun* there that Tim recognizes from spars with Dick.
Their styles are extraordinarily similar. Rose is more flexible, utilizing techniques that Tim recognizes from Nightwing's repertoire, but they use near-identical blocks and stances and tactics.
One day, Tim promises himself, he will have the full story behind whoever their training had in common. He knows enough of Joseph Wilson's history to know that his father had had almost nothing to do with it.
Glancing sideways, he spots Cassie leaning against the wall, watching, lasso gleaming against her hip. Almost certainly taking notes, even if only mental ones.
Tim turns his eyes back to the fight, tensing when Rose slams hard into the wall, relaxing when she laughs breathlessly, panting through the blood on her mouth, and rolls her way into a very effective elbow strike.
Her hair is too long. The only reason Joseph has been unable to use it against her so far is because of her speed, her agility.
The grace she had almost certainly learnt from Dick.
Tim recognizes Joseph's attack as a punch Deathstroke favors, Rose's returning ridgehand as the same, but the twisting kick she lands next is nothing he has seen before.
Effective, fast, letting her land in a familiar stance with her habitual smirk, and Cassie -- she doesn't recognize the attack, either, it's clear from her voice -- says, "Learn that from your father?"
Last week, two weeks ago, she would have thrown the words out as a challenge. It is only a question now, and Tim sees Rose recognizing that in the lack of tension in her shoulders as she throws herself into a cartwheel.
Her landing is steady before she flips, twists in midair -- she *definitely* learned that from Dick -- and lands just close enough to Cassie to be invasive, leaning in to say clearly, "My mom."
It is the first time Tim has heard Rose speak of her mother. He does not even know the woman's name.
He says nothing as Rose walks out, as Joseph rises with a hand on his ribs -- cracked, perhaps, certainly not broken -- and follows her. Cassie, too, is silent.
Her hand is on her lasso, stroking the rope, eyes distant, and Tim leaves her to her thoughts.
-- Finis