Title: On the wings of storm
Summary: Jason knew what he was doing when he agreed.
Author's Notes: Sequel to The lode of her agony, second part of the
Arkham Go Boom series.
geeksicle_kezzy, in apology for traumatizing her with my lack of musical knowledge.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters described herein; DC has all.
This wasn't anything he hadn't planned to do eventually. Being asked just speeds it *up*.
He's got the tools, and it's about time for Joker to break out again, so he should do it now. Maximize damage, Red Hood.
Laughs to himself under his helmet and keeps setting the charges. Security's still lousy. It always was.
Most of the civilians are out. Some of them are going to die.
He's sorry for that, but he's not sorry enough to walk away.
Arkham's built on a reasonably efficient schematic, which makes his job easier. Plant a charge here, slip dynamite under here, set C-4 beside this support, blow the place all to hell.
And it's about time somebody did.
He makes sure to put more explosives beside and under Two-Face's cell. And Joker's.
Vengeance is fucking *sweet*. Crowbars hurt, Joker. So do bombs.
He knows Bruce will come after him for this one. If he's doing it, he might as well go as far as he can.
Make your attack worth the energy expended, Robin.
Screw that.
Jason's hands are steady on the wiring. If he uses this much explosive, this many different types, tracking him will be harder.
But not impossible, if Bruce really tries.
And if Batman wants to track Red Hood down, that's just fine, too. Red Hood will be waiting for him.
He finishes setting up and runs far enough back -- he's got no plans to die in *another* bomb -- to be safe before he punches the trigger, and then Jason watches Arkham burn.
-- Finis