The Sun Shines When I'm With You
Prologue: The Chase- The Daffodil
What if Zuko and Katara had a bit more interaction through the series? The story starts with The Chase, then jumps to the Crossroads of Destiny. A conversation may change the lives of the Team Avatar members. "Zuko frowned, 'Azula didn't put me in here as a trap. I'm as much of a prisoner as you are.' Katara thought about that, 'So,' she paused, 'we have a common enemy...'" -Zutara
“I didn’t ask for your help!” Zuko yelled angrily. He made another move to attack, but Katara placed her now water gloved hands on his fists.
“Please,” Katara looked into his eyes. “Toph doesn’t mean it. We’re going to leave now.” Zuko stared back at her, surprise evident on his face. When Zuko’s features calmed down, she released his hands and stepped back to join Toph. “C’mon Toph,” Katara said. The waterbender turned around, grabbed Toph’s arm, and started leading her away from Zuko.
Zuko stared down at the flowers, and something caught his eye. He picked it up and stared at it. In his hand, he held a small bracelet. The bracelet was made out of some kind of twine that looked like fishing line. It was intricately woven together, a blue string woven through the middle of it. In the middle of the bracelet was a small yellow daffodil. Read on here: