Jul 01, 2010 16:04
Okay, so one of these days I'll get around to writing and posting some fanfiction on here, but before then, I'd like to pop in and say hello and pose a question--partially as a get-to-know-you and partially out of honest curiosity.
[It may or may not be of interest that my name is Ashe and I'm seventeen and a complete nerd for things like Star Trek and Doctor Who]
My question:
What is your favorite episode of Avatar? Why?
Personally, my favorite is The Crossroads of Destiny--and not just for the Zutara loveliness. You really get an insight on all of the characters. It, in my personal opinion, was one of the most climactic episodes in the series, and certainly the most climactic season-enders. All of the last few episodes of season 2 were brilliant, but I think Crossroads just had a special spark to it.
The episode is very true to its name. All of the main players are at a Crossroad. Zuko's being the most obvious, Katara's being a matter of trust and character, Aang's being a matter of the heart, Iroh's being supporting the boy who has been like a son to him and showing Zuko what is right--and that's just to name a few.
Almost every emotional and plot-related element I love so dearly was clearly present in this episode. Love, trust, betrayal, choices, death, fate and our ties to it, grief and loss, rediscovery.
While he may have chosen the wrong path at the crossroads, Zuko unwittingly redefined himself that day. He went in thinking his actions would rebuild the person he thought he was supposed to be, but in the end it only showed him how wrong that way of life was, and became a direct cause of his leaving the Fire Nation and looking to change his fate.
In my opinion, Crossroads was the peak of the entire series. Afterwords it stayed on the same level for a bit, then dipped up and down without ever surpassing Crossroads's level, and then divebombed in the last 2-4 episodes. [My frustration with the ending will be forever indescribable]
SO, I've given my piece, and I want to know: What episode really struck YOU?