So, in
an interesting and stimulating discussion about two months ago,
putana said: "It'd actually be interesting to have a huge poll and see if there are some general trends in shipping habits/preferences and K/Z."
So I said: "A poll would be interesting! Well, you know what? I'll pay attention to the most-discussed ships in this thread and make a poll in a few days. Obviously, we'll put the H/H and R/H on there. I might need some help with the anime ships because I don't really know them."
And then
fadedelegance said: "Dude, that's a cool idea! :-)"
... but of course, by "a few days", I meant two months. If anyone's still interested in this poll, just for research purposes, then I'll be happy to make it now.
But I need your help! I need a couple of ships to make the poll with, and they kind of need to be iconic shipwar-worthy ships so that we'd come up with some kind of useful result. Because does anyone care if you shipped Anne/Gilbert or Anne/Roy? (Actually, I'd be interested in that, so feel free to comment.) So let's say that the ships should be main characters, mainstream ships, and they should be somewhat hotly debated, or at least contrasting in mood and feel. And I need most help with anime ships. We should also probably only have two pairings per fandom.
Here are some current suggestions. The question would be: As a Zutara shipper, which pairing do you support? (choose one per fandom)
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike or Buffy/Angel?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack/Elizabeth or Will/Elizabeth?
Little Women: Laurie/Jo or Laurie/Amy?
Friends: Rachel/Ross or Rachel/Joey?
Star Wars: Leia/Han or Leia/Luke... wait, canon settled that one for everyone
... you get the idea! Give me some more pairings!!
The other thing I'd need help with is the actual poll itself. I don't have a paid account and can't make a poll. I'd either need someone to make it for me or, if no-one volunteers, I'll just make an offsite poll on an online poll generator and link to it.