I know what you are thinking, okay? Oh no, not Hou Tian again! It's confusing and weird and didn't I read that they hate on Zutara on Fandom_Secrets, what are they doing here again?
That's all so, so wrong. Hou Tian is awesome. That's why I'm a part of it. I don't take part in un-awesome things, my hipster cred would be shot to hell. Really though, here's the thing about RP: You go in not caring about anything but the canons. I can totally understand that. So that's what I'm going to start with, to hook you in.
First, Zutara.
Here at Hou Tian, we apparently hate Zutara. Yep. We really, really hate it.
Here's the deal. It happened, k? And now Kaytay is all knocked up and there is ~teh dramz~. But I mean, since when does Zutara go smooth, eh? It's all gonna be groovy in the end. Plus we get this one thing called Lei out of the deal. AKA Probably the coolest Zutara spawn ever.
But we don't just care about Zuko and Katara together. We have Aang, and he is a damn cool Aang, to be honest. He's a CELIBATE AANG OKAY. The way Aang is supposed to be.
Aang is pretty cool here in the HoTiems. He took the break up all laidback and is being probably the only mature one in the bunch right now.
Also MAI you guys. I KNOW I KNOW. There's a lot of fandom hate for Mai. But Nand's Mai dumped Zuko's ass when she found out he cheated with a nameless someone.
And now she's gone off to be a pirate, because FUCK YOU Zuko 8D AND SHE GOT A NEW HAIRSTYLE:
That's Tom Tom 8D
Azula...is still insane. But she's escaped her chains, and burned down the palace. Currently abroad and scaring the hell out of everything.
Azula's escape posts are actually frightening as all hell.
Let's have some
Ursa, and
Iroh business.
Kaytay and Zuko rescued Ursa from slavery and brought her back to the Fire Nation--where she is AWESOME. Ozai faked his own death to get out of prison, and is awesome. Iroh...is there. He's okay. I might be saying this because I just became Iroh's player and I don't want to be like LOL I'M SO COOL.
Some of you might be going, LOL WHAT DO YOU MEAN, FAKED HIS OWN DEATH.
Well, I am glad you asked. I'll take this opportunity to explain
The Original People Of The Flame. A small, powerful group of Fire Nation nobles who still back Ozai over the Traitor Prince. They believe in the superiority of the Fire Nation to all over peoples, and will seemingly stop at nothing to take the Nation back to the old ways.
Jet?. Turns out he didn't die. And he's back, as the leader of the
Jade Shark. An organization of devout followers that seek to bring real peace to the world...through the elimination of all benders. Like most radical groups, they get their funding from benefactors, a slave trade, and drugs. The Jade Shark are more than petty thugs, however, and are a very real, very dangerous threat.
Aang, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Iroh, even Kuei--the good guys are part of an alliance known as
The Dawn. They are basically what they sound like--they back Aang and try to protect their fragile new peace after one hundred years of war.
So okay, that's just a few of the canons and what they are up to lately, so let's look at some of the ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. Now, before you shrink back in horror, we are home to some really awesome OCs here at Hou Tian. THESE ARE JUST ONES I'M PICKING AT RANDOM. There are WAY AWESOME characters on Hou Tian. TRUST ME.
For example,
Mai Ling is basically single-handedly running The Original People of The Flame.
Lula is the amazing palace therapist. Because believe me, if anyone is in need of psychological help, it's the residents of the Fire Nation Palace.
Now, I have to pimp out our very own
The Queen of The South is a wonderful little crew just out to look out for their own. Do you by chance love Firefly? You're gonna love our pirates.
Srai is a badass Jade Shark chick who might be getting so sexually frustrated she might end up killing the guy before he gets out of his emotionally constipated state.
Pimping out my own character, have some
Lona. I love playing her. She's a peppy, OCD
nanny for the palace. LonaXSoap will trump all. (so many Lona crack ships ahhh.)
There are so many people I want to include, but hopefully I've piqued your interest enough to CHECK US OUT.
This is a lot of info, and I know it's intimidating going on board, but we really are nice folks! I'm a PR mod, which means it's actually my job to answer and explain things to you, and I really love to do it! So If you have any questions, let me know somehow. PM me, IM me, email me, Facebook me, leave me a comment here...I'm here to help!
Join! Play with us! We are full of crack and love, and want to see you there!