the weasel

Jul 11, 2005 11:58

we're going to the skate park tomorrow eventually. want to tag along? maybe you'll show us some of your crazy moves!
i've always wanted to go up to some guy and be like-
me-"You know how to do the weasel?"
guy-"What's a weasel?"
m- "OMG! the weasel is only the most craziest trick ever and if you can land it you're flippin' rad!!!"
g- "Oh really? sounds sweet" walks over to a friend and whispers..."What's a weasel? and how do you land it?"
friend-"how the fuck should i know?"

so i get to go to tacoma tomorrow yay....
viv can't come....
so i'm stuck at grandpa's cleaning or i'm stuck at the dentists office sitting.
shane would pick the latter he likes sitting.
scottie's crazy....... he thinks i should be more fun!
HA! fat chance...
you can't be more fun if you're the funnest thing around.
that's how i see it.
he likes to insult people by calling them vaginas.
i told him he should be more mature.
he said i'm controlling i told himm it was only a suggestion/complaint.
but really.... how is that a insult unless you're talking about
a)a whore/sluts vagina
b)an old lady's vagina
just kiddin
btw i hate your mom jokes
i think they are absolutley digusting! i mean really... who wants to think about thier mom that way. i sure as hell don't
i saw the movie Hostage. really good kind of gory but good.
brb *goes to the bathroom wiggling like crazy*
much better
my back is peeling gross i know but it's itchy like crazy!
also saw dark water too! quite good better than hostage
so after the movie was out scott viv and i were walking down the hallway and scottie absolutely had to see land of the dead.
so we snuck in for the last 10-15 minutes.
in front of us were 3 burly looking guys.
i mean they weren't like lumberjack burly but they were buff and had broad shoulders and tan skin and cute fuzzy curly hair. dammit they were cute. the middle one was hot and he was in front of me. damn his shoulders were broad! sexyness
so any way viv and scott are gigglin and such well the far left one turns around and tells them to stfu! yeah..
they did and the movie was a bust. scottie was scared and wanted to go see a happy movie. they put madagascar next to land of the dead and if you've ever heard the other movies playing through you know what i'm thinking!
so anyway we get out of the movie and i'm telling scottie he's a pussy. and we're getting into the suburban and the hott broad shouldered dude yells at us "Next time you sneak into a movie shut the hell up!"
viv yells back "Next time pick a better movie!" that sure settled scottie's nerves.
so we're waiting for the car to warm up and we pull out of our spot and those three were waiting for us. well lucky for scottie's nerves they get stuck behind a law obeying beetle. so they couldn't catch up. h
e's getting nervous and tells viv to pull into the bowling parking lot after we round the roundabout.
so we do and so then the guys get in the roundabout
and there they go down to the waterfront. yay! goes scottie. loser. so yeah we went to the skate park later and then the dock fun then went home. and we heard some people making love in one of the boats. yeah....
over and out.
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