I can't believe how many awesome movie sequels are coming out this summer. Even with movie ticket prices jumping to very high amounts. I will endure it to see this summers movies. The first movie up I am excited to see it The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Everything about this movie looks great. Specially the really hot Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian. I have read the books and am just super excited to see this tomorrow.
The next movie I am very excited about it is Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. This is a movie I have looked forward to for a long time. I love all the Indiana Jones movies! For them to be making a sequel after all these years is amazing. I just hope this sequel can hold up to the other movies. I also recommend picking up All Three Indiana movies at Target for 37.99! A must for any movie collection.
Another summer movie that has caught my eye is Hancock; starring the ever talented Will Smith. A super hero hated by the public we have seen but not exactly in this caliber. Hancock showing up drunk to rescue people, even poking fun at the ridiculously tight outfits superheros wear, along with the charm Will Smith brings to any role will bring the audiences and me to the box office.
Another great Sequel I am looking forward to is The Dark Knight. I was a big fan of the first movie Batman Begins and love Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne. However to make things better the late Heath Ledger is playing the Joker. A more psychological, madman take on the joker which I look forward to seeing. I look for this movie to do big things in the box office. Below I am posting Entertainment Weekly's Box Office Predictions for the summer. Please comment to how well you think these movies will do, and what movies this summer excite you. Other movies coming out this summer I look forward to but didn't mention much. The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Empero, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, Wall-E Disney as of late doesn't disappoint with these movies.
EW's Box Office Predictions:
1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
$355.9 million
After all these years, will audiences be interested in some old guy in a fedora? Uh, yeah.
2. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
$310.8 million
The first movie made $292 million, and that was without a hottie prince in the lead role.
3. Hancock
$280.4 million
Will Smith. Superhero. July 4 weekend. 'Nuff said.
$280.3 million
If a Pixar film about a French rat can gross more than $200 mil, we suspect this adorkable robot is platinum-plated.
5. Iron Man
$262.7 million
He's no Spidey, but he gets a bump for being the first movie of the summer. And that suit has fanboys near fainting.
6. The Dark Knight
$255.0 million
Batman Begins made $205 mil, and the power of Heath Ledger's last performance, as the Joker, should take this higher.
7. Kung Fu Panda
$224.6 million
Never underestimate the kid-pleasing power of cute animals with attitude. Even Madagascar scored $193 mil.
8. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
$176.5 million
The last one made more than $200 million, but it's been seven years. And this one doesn't have The Rock.
9. The Incredible Hulk
$147.2 million
No, the buzz ain't great, but even Ang Lee's much-maligned version earned $132 mil.
10. Tropic Thunder
$142.6 million
It's got a killer Tom Cruise cameo and will be summer's top comedy. But an R rating limits grosses.