May 23, 2004 23:10
So today after mina's i was at the stop light at the crossing from like her road to school when i decided to be funny and put the car into nutral, this was done by a quick shift right and up becasue not all of us have manuals, but anyway....and then it started rolling backwards, because you know, elevated slope and round tires, gravity and mass, all that fun stuff i slept through in Physics with chris, so anyway then i shift into gear and it gives a jerk, so im like hmmmm.....
So i still have it in neutral and when the light turns green i slightly tap the gas getting the car to like 2500 rpm, and shift into gear, so waht do you know the Mazda peels out with a wicker screech, i was like, oh shit i know its really bad to do that but it was too fun!!!! So yeah not a smart thing to do but hey, it was funn!!!!
Yeah so i cant sleep !!! Yep cant sleep a wink !!!