Title : The Picture Frames Have Changed and So Has Your Name.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nick/Claudia
Spoilers: Season 2 Episode 2
Author's notes : The title is a line from Savage Garden's "I don't know you anymore".
Nick could see her from his desk. He didn't see the superficial differences, the hair, the make-up and the clothes; to him Jenny was Claudia.
Something made her look up towards him, her eyes full of disapproval.
She might be Claudia's double but he knew as he met that cold stare they could never be the same.
He looked away, his hand involuntarily clenching into a fist as he fought against the fresh wave of aching emptiness in his heart.
For the second time in his life, he'd lost someone special, someone that he cared about, someone that he loved…