
Jun 12, 2007 09:55

Working 10 - 12 hours a day isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I don't feel too terribly exhausted at the end of the day--it's just that I don't have any energy or willpower to do anything but crawl in bed and talk to friends on AIM until I fall asleep. Right now I'm rooming with Alyshia, which is cool but our work schedules are literally out of phase: I leave the house around 8:40 to go to the Olin Admission office and usually get back around 11:00 PM. Alyshia leaves the house at 7:00 AM and is usually in bed by the time I get back home, so we really haven't seen each other very much lately. Hopefully that will change soon, and by soon I mean after June 30th. I like working at the Admission office because I work with great people and I give tours, but the theater job is not as fun because I'm either cleaning or sitting in a dark room with nothing to do but push the GO button on the light board.

The other consequence of not having any time on the weekends is that I get overly excited about social/fun things that I can do, since I don't really have a life otherwise. I was also excited to cook myself a big breakfast this morning because I don't have to do anything until 11:00. I'm really looking forward to Greg's pool party because I've had to miss out on a bunch of things that Olin kids are getting together and doing. I'll be glad when I start working normal people hours again.

Oh, and I got an email from my mom today that made me really happy:

"The moist humid afternoon delivered sharp crackling thunder this
afternoon. Rusty followed me room to room keeping his ears flattened
and his tail pointed downward. His worry lines on his head prominently
furled as if to say, I'm so afraid - don't leave me. The storm blew
over in an hour and Rusty forgot his fear and returned to his spot on
the couch to sleep off the stresses of the day. All for being a fraidy

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