
Jan 26, 2006 14:27

Ok so I am loving school like normal but hey- where's the problem there? There isn't of course.

I only took three classes this semester since I now have a job. I am not telling anyone for certain yet where it is. You will all have to wait until I am ready. Though I will give you a little background information on it. I am going to start off making 7.25 an hour. Not bad ay? Not only that but I get BENEFITS!!! Health, dental, and vision. Kick butt no? So now everyone can be as proud of me as I am.

One class I am taking this semester is for my general education requirements and it is my Health Class. It is a really cool class with double professors. The one teacher us currently is a female- Johnson- and she doubles as a fitness instructor/nutitrionist (spelling). So she is really awesome.

The book for the class is what is really helping me though. It has given me so many insights on how to better my life and get back to how I was before. Like I found out I was slightly depressed. But guess what!!! I am not now! No more freaking depression- why you might ask because of wellness changes.

I have started with something simple and slowly over two weeks it has built. I wake up happy in the morning and almost sad to go to bed even though I know tomorrow is so close. I spend so much time doing things I enjoy- or I can make enjoyable. Like cleaning- no longer a chore. I incorperate it into this new me. Well more like an old me that I lost somehow.

The best part is in the two weeks I have lost 4lbs. I know holy crap. I am even going to start going back to church- why, because I want to. I actually do enjoy going to church- or I did at one time. Perhaps it was because of how close I was to my family. Maybe the last two weeks have brought me closer to my family.

I think it has and I think that it has made me a better person. There is so much I want to do and so little time to do. I am taking time every night that I can and reading Curtis goodnight stories. I am singing a lot more. I am listening to what I like to call get up and move music and I am really trying to watch what I eat and avoid the stressors in my life. Which has lead me to a few revelations of why I was so unhappy, why I seemed to be avoiding my life.

I love school and I want to stay in it forever. If I can get my GPA up high enough and everything goes right with Bobby's new contract I may be switching to another college if I can get accepted- like Harvard Law. I will keep my dreams- you keep yours. Once I achieve that goal (as I will) I will find something even more amazing to aspire to. Who knows maybe the first future female president has just realized her goal at making a better world.

I have great ideas and I have a lot of them. I am beginning to focus my energies again on changing them. I just hope that this new wellness change I am making will keep me alive well into my 100's to achieve everything I want plus SOME!!!

I am going to be using this journal to communicate how I am feeling, how I am doing on my goals, start my wellness contracts, obtain support, spread joy, and hopefully show off my baby boy- who is the world to me.

Curtis Joseph Outer is the best son anyone could ask for. He is active and smart. Too smart if you ask a lot people. It won't be long before he is potty trained and it won't be long before he knows his A B C's. He has grown in leaps and bounds and continues to amaze me everyday. Like today- he almost was able to put on his sock! I mean what 14 month old can really put their own clothes on. I am so happy right now. Why? Because I realize I have a lot to live for and a lot to look forward to.

Along the way of realizing I was depressed I missed out on a lot of time with friends and family. I hope that each one of them will forgive me and realize that I am making changes to become an even better and more productive me. To start this off I am going to promise to write in this journal at least once a week. This way I can keep myself on my goal. I want Curtis to be happy because his mom is happy. I want my son to see how I have changed and be better for it.

I have made a lot of mistakes in the past. I am only now 19 years old and I have a lot of years ahead of me. So if you are wanting to change or if you are wanting to support me in changing I would really appreciate it. More then you could ever know.

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