Sep 25, 2006 19:15
I arrived in England last wednesday, but my internet has only been up since last night so here's my first real opportunity to post. So here is is! the beginning of Kat's Adventures in the UK!
Today was my first day of classes and it wasn't that bad! Seems like most of the course work involves reading, with a few presentations and papers. That means there's a LOT of pressure riding on those papers (like more than 50 percent of my grade. Yikes!)
I am taking 3 classes at 5 credit hours each. My classes are Intro to the European Union, Democratic Theory and Learning from Artefacts (not a typo, that's how they spell it here). Intro to the EU is split into 1 weekly lecture and 1 weekly seminar (smaller group), Dem Theory is split into 2 weekly lectures and 1 weekly seminar, and Learning from Artefacts is just one weekly lecture. Today I had two seminars and one of my Dem Theory lectures, so it was a reasonably busy day. Now I don't have class until my Thursday afternoon Artefacts lecture! so it's like I have 2 weekends. Weird. I would have prefered to have classes on tues and weds instead of thurs and friday so I could have a 4 day weekend, but alas...
Norwich itself is a beautiful city. it used to be a midieval town, like so many cities all over europe, and the roads are winding and narrow with cute little row houses and red tile and lots of little, well tended green spaces. Space is conserved in England, both in the cities and in the country side. I've riden the double decker into town a couple of times, and it's really just lovely. There's an open air market that's one of the oldest in Europe, though by now it's very much modernized.
My room is small but comfy, and I'm right next to the kitchen, which reminds me... Does anyone know any easy recipes for college students? I've never really been responsible for making my own meals on a regular basis, so I'm slightly at a loss here on my own. Help?
Also, today I bought PLANTS! :D
I've got two little succulents and... A big red plant whose name I have forgotten. They'll only be with me a semester (if they last that long) but I am trying to think of names. I considered naming them all british names (like Nigel and Rupert and Basil) or maybe giving the little ones the names of two of my (and Ash's) like Phobos and Demos or - Ooh! Pocket and Pouch! One of them has a slight pink tint (Pouch) and one a slight purple tint (Pocket)! And then I can name the big red one RUBY! XD BRILLIANT!!
Oh, and if you didn't get that, don't worry, you're in the majority. There's only one other person who has the foggiest idea what I'm going on about.
Well glad that's settled. ^^ Yay!
And now I have a floor meeting so I'll be going now. Type at cha later!