So I can finally afford to do research on gel polyester resin spray coated shells with an expanding foam core. The gun's about 150, but the rest of the materials are pretty cheap. I reeeeeaaaally want to see if this actually works, and if so, how long/short it takes. I don't feel like making a large rifle to make molds of just yet, so I'm thinking of picking up a vacuformed shell and seeing if I can make copies of that. The problem though, is which gun?
There's the Halo MA5B carbine, or the
Aliens M41A Pulse Rifle, or
something else equally awesome? The plan is to make a Brush-On 50 mold reinforced with a fiberglass mother mold, and then use the molds to make fiberglass shells that I can either use as a shell for nerf/paintball, or fill and reinforce with an expanding foam to make light, solid rifles. Speciffically, Seburo rifles, like the MN-23 and C-26A
So what plastic gun shell should I buy? I already have votes for the Halo carbine, Pulse Rifle, and M1-Carbine rifle. Let me know what you'd want me to send you, since I'll need to make like 4 or 5 of these to get the hang of the techniques and processes.
Comment with your vote!