Feb 22, 2008 20:41
Job Classes
I decided to fit all of the 2nd Level Jobs I developed fall into a descriptive catagory based on those of Final Fantasy I. In other words, until renamed, there are Six 1st Level Jobs falling under the catagory of: Fighter, Black Belt, Thief, Black Mage, White Mage, and Red Mage.
Jobs branch off as follows:
*Starter/Rookie/Ameteur Job Class, available from the begining. This Job is basically your character naked... or in underwear... whatever works best for the Species. Will probably be titled the "Adventurer" Class. At Level 10 or so, you'll be allowed to move into 1st Job Class, by passing the requirements to become that Job.
*1st Level Job Class, available at Level 10... probably. There are 6 available choices for 1st Job Class. Each of these classes can branch off into one of three possiblities once Level and Job Accepting requirements are reached.
*2nd Level Job Class, available at a certain level, after achieving 1st Job Class. Depending on your chosen 1st Level Job Class, three 2nd Level Job Class options will be made available to you. Becoming 2nd Level Job Class will be much more difficult than becoming 1st Level Job Class. There is presently no intention of presenting a 3rd Level Job Class, but if it were to become a possiblity later on, then there would be one possible 3rd Level Job Class choice available relating to and depending upon the 2nd Level Job Class that was chosen.
1st Level Job Classes
*Fighter Class: This is essentially the "Swordsman" class, I even nicknamed all of its 2nd Level Job Classes to reflect this fact. Possible name for the Job will be "Squire." Fighters learn general sword and phy skills. Will probably also use Axes and the like as weapons.
*Black Belt Class: This is the "Matrial Artist" class and the 2nd Level Job Classes reflect this fact. BBs are skilled in physical combat without weapons. Their body IS the weapon. Good idea to strengthen their Agi as well as Phy.
*Theif Class: This one will probably have the biggest name change, since the 2nd Level Job Classes it branches off into are not all necessarily related to theivery, but they are heavily reliant on the Tec and Agi stats, so their abilities will focus on the areas of speed and technical proficiency.
*Black Mage Class: This job type relates primairly to offensive forms of magic. I would like to call this class "Scholar." Though most will use Rods, Staves, and Books... or no weapon at all, some 2nd Level Job Classes of this field could potentially make use of other weapons. However, their primary proficiency will lie in the casting of devastating spells.
*White Mage Class: These are the healers, the support class, the purveyors of all things that are good in the eyes of their lord. Despite this, the White Mage Class should not be written off too lightly, their holy attacks are just as proficient as their healing and the 2nd Level Job Class holds a surprising twist.
*Red Mage Class: Despite the name, this is not the typical combination of White and Black Mages. The Red Mage Class will probably be redubbed something along the line of "Entertainer." Their skill sets are the most unique of the bunch, as our their choices in weaponry.
2nd Level Job Class
*Swordsman A: Also known as "The Paladin," these are the typical "Knight Class" seen in most RPGs. Paladins wear heavy armor types, and wield long and broad type swords. The deal heavy damage at high levels and can take quite a beating. However, they are not particularly light on their feet.
*Swordsman B: Also known as "The Ronin," this class is more resembelent of the Japanese Samurai. Ronin are able to wear either the heavy Paladin armors or a much lighter variety, which protects less but does not hamper speed as greatly. Ronin wield Katana and other short sword type weapons. Ronin do not cause damage nearly as great as that dealt by the Paladin, but they have the advantage of greater speed and accuarcy, so they can do damage faster than the Paladin.
*Swordsman C: Also known as "The Guardian," this Job is the heavyweight of the Power Class. Guardians wear massive, full-body protective armor and carry massive, two-handed blades. Their destructive power is unmatched, but they suffer from terrible accuarcy and even lower speed.
*Monk: This is the most basic of the Black Belt Class. These fighters rely purely upon their own unarmed physical strength to annihilate opponents. Cannot wear most armors or any weapons other than Gloves.
*Elementalist: Which I have also refered to as "Benders," are a crossover of the Physical and Magic Classes. These fighters manipulate the elements to produce powerful elementally-charged physical attacks. They can use some light armors, but no weapons. (May change the weapons bit)
*Ninja: Possibly to be redubbed "Shinobi," this class is a crossover of the Physical and Technical Classes. This Class relies heavily upon speed based attacks, able to deliver powerful close range attacks as well as long range weapon throwing attacks.
*Rogue: The true Thief Class, they specialize in quick attacks using short bladed weapons. The Rogue relies heavily on his ability to dodge enemy attacks while never missing with his own. And, of course, they possess various theiving and stealth skills.
*Outlaw: Outlaws are perhaps the equivalent of RO's "Gunslinger." They specialize in long range weaponry, particularly firearms, and high evasion stats. But unlike their RO counterpart, Outlaws can perform special melee attacks without ever having to fire a shot.
*Hunter: The "Capture" Type Job, Hunters are able to set traps for enemys and defeat monsters without ever needing to lift a finger. I'm uncertain how to deal with the Capturing Monsters ability, but there are a number of available options to look into. Additionaly, and not surprisingly, Hunter specialize in Bow and Crossbow weapons, but can also use some firearms.
*Wizard: The Black Magic Archetype, this class uses powerful offensive magic to blow away enemies in a single shot. Physically frail and only able to wear the lightest of armors, but when their MP Gauge is full they're a force to be reckoned with.
*Alchemist: A crossover of the Magic and Technical Classes, the Alchemist uses his scientific knowledge to produce devastating magical attacks. Their offensive magic rivals that of the Wizard and they can wear better armor and weapons. However, many of their abilities require the use of a certain item to activate.
*Summoner: This class is quite similar to Wizard in most every physical aspect. However, their magic is performed quite differently than what you might expect. Summoners call powerful and/or magical beasts to their aid to do battle alongside of them. How long the "Summon" lasts depends upon type, some last for a certain time duration, others until their HP or MP runs out, and others still produce an immediate effect and vanish away.
*Priest: The White Magic Archetype, this class specializes in Holy magic and powerful healing spells. Though generally weak in all physical and defensive aspects, the Priest makes up for his shortcomings with the ability to cure wounds, remove status ailments, and revive fallen comrades.
*Slayers: A crossover of the Magic and Power Classes, the Slayer is an instrutment of God's Holy Judgement and is responsible for carrying out his wrath upon the wicked. Slayers use mostly physical based attacks amplified by Holy Magic and can wield a variety of weapons. The ultimate warriors against demons and the undead.
*Onmyoji: This class specializes in both the causing and curing of status aliments. The Onmyoji is otherwise mostly similar to the Priest in stats and equipment. However, they possess a few spells that are similar to that of the Summoner.
*Bard: Unique Class, specializing in status effects which can either hinder the enemy or aid your allies. Able to use a special selection of weapons. May need more ideas for them. Possibly use sound based attacks.
*Dancer: Similar to the Bard in most ways. Male Dancers will have a more feminine sprite than usual. Can perform unique physical attacks with low power but striking numerous times in a row.
*Psyon: Could also be called the "Gambler," but I like the Psychic aspect better. Psyon's wear light armor, are physically frail, and can use almost or no weapons. Their mental attacks can be devastating enough to surpass that of the Wizard, but each one comes with the possiblity of a backlash upon the user ranging from minor damage to an instant KO.