Apr 02, 2008 12:57
Hey guys! It's been a while since I have updated and a bunch of things have been happening, so here we go:
Nevin and I have been doing Phase One of the South Beach Diet (the no-carb "induction" period) going for 10 days so far and let me tell you, it works!
The first Three Days are HELL. I dreamt of carbs, it was so pathetic. I felt moody and tired and wanted to die. Then in days 4 and 5 the weirdest thing happened ... I didn't crave carbs anymore. Which, for me is like, a fucking miracle. I saw carbs at work, people ate around me and I was okay.
Then something even more amazing happened ... I started eating SALADS! Now, if you know me at all, you know that is like IMPOSSIBLE for me to do. IMPOSSIBLE. If I ever had a piece of lettuce in my mouth I would just fucking gag. I was just totally anti-vegetables. But there I was Saturday night at Dave & Busters eating a steak with green beans like I'd been doing it all my life. And the next day at Ikea eating a spring mix salad and like, emjoying it.
And, well, I weighed myself at the gym and I have lost 8 lbs on the first week. As you can imagine, I'm UBER excited! I plan on staying in Phase One for a month and see what happens. Go South Beach Diet!
Who knew anything out of South Beach would be good for you?
Well, things over here have been going very good. I'm in an office that I only share part-time with my boss's wife, and I've gotten the hang of my new responsibilities. I was informed that my promotion will be made "official" in June, and I will be receiving a raise. So yay! Go me!
Nevs & Me
You know the Nevster and I are always awesome. He's the best boyfriend ever.
Everything Else
I haven't done a shoot in AGES!
I need you bitches to model, so give me a hollah back, aight?