Dec 03, 2006 00:41
me me me again.
I often feel selfish complaining about my problems when I know there are others with issues far greater than mine. But I'm going to anyway.
I feel horrible. and I know I'm reading too much into things. But I hate the fact that I am more willing to catch up and make an effort with my friends than they are to do things with me. I feel like I keep on giving, but people aren't willing to give any of themselves back. my friends always come first for me. before work, before fun, they are my family. But to certain people, I am the back up plan. Someone they can call when they need something, someone they can rely on when they need a helping hand. But can't be fucked when i need the support.
Christ, I look at my friends and its odd how sometimes it is the people I've known for the least amount of time, are the ones who are willing to be flexible and giving. It doesnt surprise me that people dont feel the same way about friends as I do. I just wish that it was different.
There are times when I look at a mate of mine, and I just wish people would give him another chance. Its like all they can see are the qualities in him that they don't like instead of what's so wonderful about him. He gives and gives and gives, and he's funny and most of all he really really cares. but people still bitch and moan about spending time with him. and quite frankly I don't think they deserve to be his friend.
I guess thats enough ranting for one night. I thought that I'd feel better now, but I just feel worse.