hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...so great! drunk fun

Jan 19, 2004 23:05

Man, I had the best time this weekend, so many... off the wall, surprising, fun, entertaining, lucky, engaging, and stupid ...things happened in one freaking 3 day weekend.

I needed that so bad. My life has been really off kilter since I got back from Virginia. I hung out mostly with Cammy and Joel and Felix(while he was here){ps. you guys rock} ...but felt like an imposition... and sometimes Michelle when I could drag her emo ass out of doors. hehe.

This weekend tho I had tons of talk time with Michellie, and its all cool again with her. Thank god for that.

The party the first night at Ryan's was fun. Michelle came with me, and I ended up getting merely tipsy, and highly energetic. We danced and did gymnastics, made out so the guys would kiss(dude, that was hott), and generally had loads of fun. I was playing with Eric's hair a lot, then him and Ryan got naked a bunch, jumped in the very cold pool, and acted like tards. Eric kept...randomly grabbing me and making out with me, *shrug*...He's hot, but hes a weirdo. I dunno...I don't like the idea of getting drunk and being one way, and being another way when tipsy.

And there are better people out there.
... "I'm sorry I'm not Eric..."...what the hell. Like I'd want you to be. hah...

Went to chelle's and slept on the couch then woke up and went home and watched 7 eps of Queer as Folk and took a shower.

Met up with Joel and Cammykins shortly before 7...read michelle's journal for the synopsis on what happened to our "monster" plans...

We(me, Cammy, Chelle) get to the party and the girls and Ryan are drunk and Eric and some other guys are sober(or at least barely tipsy)...Eric is being a douchebag, so i barely notice he's there after a while(I'm too busy making out with the LADIES, man!!!!!!) Ptl styyyyyyyyle! Man i thought that one chick was hot(prolly cause I was drunk, her voice was annoying when I was sober, and i didnt notice once I was drunk. lol.) I hated how when She and I were, making out/talking the diamonds on the wall were a swimmin. gave me a headache.

Stephen the amazing dissapearing man, and Bevyn showed up.

I threw up a lot, but I didnt feel bad, just kinda tired...I passed out hardcore after a while, and woke up freezing cold, cause i had a crocheted blanket with holes in it. And that damn alarm clock was loud. Went looking for a room that had a blanket, and was less loud. Found the room cammy was in and snuggled up to him.

The next morning we all told stories of the previous night, and laughed our asses off at Cammy's spongebob laugh, and his jokes that i hear all the time, but they're still funny. We talked about how we couldnt find Steve, how fun the night before was, and how hungry/tired we were. Went to Denny's: good food, bad service, good conversation. My hand was shaking too bad for me to draw, argh, so dumb.

After we napped in the booth we left, Michelle with Bevyn, and Cammy with me. Got back to his house and I found some hentai to watch, hahaha. Cammy eventually went to sleep/bed. I left at 1:30, slightly confused on how I felt. *shrug*

Got home and slept till 5, then got up and showered, and went to movie night at Celeste's. We watched Requiem for a Dream, makes me understand Sammi even less, *sigh* d r u g s a r e b a d .

Called Cameron up to see what he was doing, then wen't over, expecting to watch he and Joel play games all night(fine by me), but instead they let me pick "Last Crusade"...That movie was good but the company was better. =) Joel left after the movie ended at about 10:00, and I left at 10:30.

Today I went to return my movies, stopping by gamestop first because I saw Joel and then I saw Cammy's car. I talked to them for a while, then got cammy some lunch. I was soooooo afraid I got him the wrong thing, but apparently i *thankfully* got it right. Brought it back, and left him some notes. heehee. I'm a nerd.

Went to return the movie and get the last 2 ep installment of Queer as Folk(Im so fucking addicted to that), then went to chelle's. We decide to hang with robert, and got to taco bell. I watch chelle talk to sammi, and I Ramsey-Bash a lot. hahahahahaha...I can't help it, he's such a loser. I feel like a bitch doing it still tho. eh. *shrug*

All in all a great time, yay. Love everyone.

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