Kat misses her cat

Mar 12, 2010 20:10

My cat Loki died today. He would have turned 18 next month and I've had him since he was a kitten (I'm now 30 so have had him since right around my 13th bday -- he was a present from my sister Helen). It was, blessedly, quick and peaceful so I'm hanging on to that right now. Pitiful as it's going to sound, there have been a lot of times when he was the closest thing I've had to an RL friend. Especially in the past year, whenever I've needed a hug, he and I have snuggled and I've felt better. Even with Betty here, the apartment feels empty. She's wandering around confused and making these quizzical chirping sounds.

We buried him on the farm (which is illegal but we didn't give a shit) near the memorial garden for Mom. Heather took off work early which was very sweet of her and Eric did most of the digging (for which I'm grateful since I hurt like a mother just from the tiny bit I did do).

Anyway, I don't know how much I'm going to be on the next few days so I wanted to give everybody a heads up and let you know what's going on so no one worries. I'll be around(ish) if anyone NEEDS needs me but no promises on being any kind of communicative. I miss my baby:

pets, family, sucky rl is sucky

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