I came across an article on the internet that preported to list the ten best love-triangles in TV history. Being the geek I am, I couldn't believe that they excluded Torchwood from the list, so penned the following response:
"At the risk of coming across as an enormous geek (oh, wait, i AM one of those), the best TV love-triangle of all time has GOT to be Torchwood's Jack/Ianto/Gwen. The jaded and heart-broken Jack's interest in and affection for Gwen is obvious from the begining when he recruits her to be the heart of his team and challenges her to remind him what it means to be human again. Meanwhile, Ianto's dirty secret causes the two men to nearly kill each other early on. But, in the end, Jack is unwilling to risk Gwen's happiness by preventing her from having a normal life with a normal man (her fiance and eventual husband Rhys). He seems to have no compunctions about preventing Ianto from having a normal life however and, after a rocky start, the two undertake a serious and steady relationship (very much a deviation from Jack's normal mode of behavior). But Jack's continued affection for Gwen remains obvious (and sometimes painfully) clear. If you can handle the science-fiction and the bisexuality of at least two of the three players (the jury's still out on Gwen), it's the hottest love-triangle you'll see on prime time (unless you don't get BBC America, in which case you'll have to see it on iTunes instead). Not nearly as soap-opera as it sounds, it's actually rather sweet to watch. Mutual attraction aside, things never get complicated between Jack and Gwen and Ianto doesn't bear Gwen the least jealousy over her place in his lover's heart. A mutual tragedy at the end of season 2 brings the three closer together than ever before, and there's a beautiful scene where the three think they're facing death and Jack grabs both in a hug, kisses the tops of each of their heads, and then just hangs on for dear life."
Well, you already knew I was a geek, lol. Okay, homework time, class. With justification, what's your favorite TV, book, or RL love-triangle and why?