Is reality TV still a guilty pleasure when it's a good show?

May 24, 2012 22:19

So You Think You Can Dance started again tonight and I'm kind of hyped over it. There's nothing like watching young, dedicated athletes pushing their bodies to the limit *fans self* Granted the obligatory audition-stage horrible dancers remind me uncomfortably of my own moves and style (except they're slightly more fluid than I am -- in case you wondered, I am a member of the "swarm of wasps" school) but that's not the point and not the reason I love the show. It's more like watching an athletic competition than a game show or reality show and I love the fact that the dancers are required to cooperate instead of compete.

Already in love with some of the people who have auditioned.

Toshihiko stood out (as the producers no doubt intended in spotlighting a native Japanese man with fire engine red hair, lol). You have to love his enthusiasm and love of dance even before you factor in the fact that the guy moves like tWitch. Hopefully he'll work on other styles and be back next season.

Shafeek is an athlete (well, they all are, but he stands out with some moves that you usually only see yoga gurus managing) and I love the way he works these totally unique, gorgeous moves into what's basically a (very spiritual) hip hop routine. Looks like they're going for originality this season and I can't wait :D

Hampton: "I don't know how you're going to fare in a competition like this and I don't care."

Hello Daniel... The chest, the accent, the fact that I could have sworn blind he said he was a belly dancer, the moves on him... yum

Von was a piece of work. I really wish they hadn't given him five minutes of screen time for his little "this show sucks and I'm totally against everything it stands for, now lookit how great I am!!!!111" schtick *rolls eyes and kneecaps the arrogant little shit*

So, some amazing dancers, some horrible dancers, and some people who show promise but who knows. Will be a promising season, I think :)

Show of hands. Who else loves the randomly silly little happy dances these otherwise-flawless skilled dancers break into when they get advanced to the next level?

so you think you can dance

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