tonight's been validating :)

Feb 07, 2012 19:49

So, tonight I went over to my cousin Nicole's at her request to adjust the length of the necklace my aunt paid me to make as the Nicole's Christmas present. Nicole wanted to wear it to work but wanted the length slightly shorter to compliment her work clothes better (translation: she likes it and actually plans to wear it, yay!!!).

When I got home from that, I saw that the Sherlock fic I posted right before I left ( had already been favorited 8 times on, which apparently means I don't fail at guy!slash :D

So I'm feeling pretty good about myself today. Now to go eat an obscenely high-calorie supper for a change, and maybe do some vidding (Magnus/the Sanctuary to Aerosmith's "Dream On", I think).

fanfiction, sherlock, beading, family

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