really, body? is this truly necessary?

Jul 09, 2011 07:47

So I was feeling pretty decent yesterday. Recovering from my migraine well, well-rested, played D&D, finished with the necklace I've been working on, was ready to work sixteen hours this weekend, then have a relatively light week during which I could create more stuff (someone's kind of interested in commissioning me to make a few pieces) and get (belated) pictures of my loot to share with everyone.

And then I wake up around 0200 this morning with every muscle in my lower back spasming hard. The pain kept me from sleeping much at all, then Betty peed all over my bed so, despite the pain, I had to change the sheets. I hurt, am stoned, didn't sleep but a few hours, can't really stand up entirely straight, & have no idea how I'm going to manage working this weekend. But I have to, of course, because my absences from when I started this job are only finally starting to drop off and I really can't afford to incur more so soon. It's like life's trying to remind me that I'm not allowed to have a good couple days in a row and it makes me want to scream.

Mary, my counselor, says lots of people with PTSD have trouble looking at the bright side. I'm currently having trouble believing that there IS one. If someone could kindly tell me which god I pissed off and how to placate it, I'd be grateful.

moping, wtf?, pain, update

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