nothing new to tell, really, but I found some pictures of the kitties from around Christmas and thought I'd share
Spider's a book-lover :D
and Betty's a clothes-horse, apparently *pets her* she just loves sleeping in my hamper
This is Spider:
She is the destroyer of worlds:
Which makes an odd kind of sense since she's obviously also a gua'old. Which might explain why she looks like THIS in 70% of the pictures we take of her:
She's sneaky, too. I tend to sit at my computer with my legs elevated and my keyboard in my lap and Spider likes to do this:
She also spends lot of time in/on the little wheeled case of drawers I keep my jewelry supplies in *pets her*
Betty generally prefers to snuggle up next to me:
although, when she IS in my lap, she makes herself comfy:
but she still hates having her picture taken most of the time ;p