stomach flu sucks

Oct 26, 2010 10:50

So, yesterday, I go through 3/4 of a bottle of pepto so i don't puke and any customers and I spend three hours doing the wrong job because I was so out of it I completely misunderstood what I'm sure were probably very clearly-presented instructions from my Zone Manager (she's very good at her job so I know she wasn't as vague as I thought she was at the time). Today, I'm so weak, sore, and shaky that I have a hard time getting out of bed and into the living room so I can get my phone and call in (i am sure spending two days in and out of the freezers didn't help my body's attempts to fight this bug). I did phone in 3 hours early so, if the gods are smiling, the absence will be authorized and not count against me (I did let the appropriate supervisors etc know yesterday I was unwell just as cya because i was working slow and had to keep vanishing into the employee restroom).

If it does count against me, I can only get 2 more unexcused absences in the next 5 and a half months before I get an official talking to and a note in my records. Honestly, it's a pretty generous attendance policy compared to some placed I've worked, but my morale is in the toilet along with my stomach contents right now. This is so not what I need less than 2 weeks into my new job. I've been there less than 2 weeks. Way to make a good first impression, huh?

okay, I'm going to go do what people with stomach flu do, try to force some water, and then go back to bed. I hope everyone else is doing okay?

(PS, am I the only one experiencing notification!fail?)

moping, work

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