Dec 18, 2003 19:11
it blows my mind on how inconsiderate people are
it blows my mind on how people take advantage of others who can't do anything back
it blows my mind on how money dictates every-freakin-thing
it blows my mind on how self-centered people are
it also blows my mind on how corporate giants don't care about the third world country people slaving away to make their shit product for only $.2 and they work all day long
my mom says i'm jaded at the age of 16, maybe so, but all of this really bugs/torments me... many people say "oh it doesn't apply to you" "it doesn't affect you, why do you care?!" and all i can say is "fuck you!" because maybe i think of others besides for myself and i hate to see others getting screwed over!
i guess i don't belong in america but somewhere in europe...and don't even deny that america doesn't embody many of those things i can't stand/ makes me sick