*dance of glee*

Aug 03, 2007 08:56

I… I’m not entirely sure whether I should hang my head in shame or cautiously deploy the victory arms.

*furtive glance*



I sort of, entirely without planning to, wrote 3000 words of RPS, Jared/Jensen schmoopy porn to be exact. The file is appropriately named “omg why brain why” until I come up with a title. The fic is with
virtualinsomnia for beta now, so there’s still time to run.

pushkin666 laughs herself sick and possibly does some sort of obscene victory dance, I’ll be over here, praying for my eternal soul.



That’s right folks, the right answer is: A Supernatural Fan Meet-Up with the lovely gals from

I am quite ridiculously excited about this butbutbut… There will be squeeing! And like some amazing games and entertainment organised by
oikku and myself! And then we’ll have dinner at an American style diner, thus honouring the Winchester dietary code! Andandand, check out the hilarious name tags
razorxrosary made us because she is awesome and I whined begged blackmailed asked!

Will be back on Sunday night, with Tall Tales (ha!) about the event, so expect lots of fangirl flailing and incomprehensible squeeage.


Finally, have you donated your suggestions to the Embrace the Cliché Project yet? If not, go do it now! We want as many clichés as possible, so please, please pimp the Project to your F-lists. I’m invoking my Pointing Finger of Fandom LoveTM here, for have I not been good to you? Have I not given recs and fics and squeeage? Lo, my friends, go forth and pimp!

embrace the cliché project, finnchesters meet-up, rps, writing, jsquared, supernatural

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