Kat's Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 5

Jun 26, 2007 16:49

From the Heavens a bright ligh shone down and on the field the shepperds covered their faces with rags and keened in fear. For lo, the 5th Edition of Kat's Vid Recs of Doom was upon them, and it was portentous.


You know that feeling when you get excited and fannish about a TV-show and you want to squee and point and make absolutely everyone watch it, because it’s just that awesome? Well, that’s what this and the next set of vid recs are all about. These are the some of the best “recruiter videos” I’ve come across; the ones that somehow manage to distill what’s best about the show into just few minutes that’s everything you love about it and everything everyone else should too.

ZOMG Watch Mah Show! Part 1


Vid: Church
Vidder: Gianduja Kiss aka
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer & The Angel
Genre/pairing: Show overview, action, Gen
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Oh Jossverse, how I miss you so. This is one of the best ensemble vids I’ve seen, showcasing the good guys, the bad guys, and everyone in between Despite the epic feel and clever, clever use of imagery and metaphors and other deep shit like that (no really, there are profound things about authority, higher power, unity, rebellion, and how the generational war really doesn’t have anything to do with age), the video is highly entertaining. It also fills me with strong urge to spend money that I don’t have on purchasing full DVD boxsets of both Buffy and Angel, because it reminds me of how totally awesome those shows were.
Download link and info: From the vidder's website here.   Or view at IMEEM here.

Vid: What About Everything
Fandom: Doctor Who (all incarnations)
Genre/pairing: Show overview, Gen
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Ships and aliens, friends and enemies. Companions gained and left behind. And always the Doctor, at the centre or in the sidelines, but always there; apart and helplessly, hopefully connected. The amount of source material the vidder has had to shift through is staggering, even more so because every single clip feels just right and perfect. There is love here, not just for this show, but for the whole (Brit) sci-fi genre, and it filters through. The video is great in every sense of the word: not larger-than-life, but just-like-life, Doctor Who style.
Download link and info: From vidder's original LJ post.   Or view at youtube here.

Vid: Midnights and Cups of Coffee
Vidder: Miruku Koohii 05 aka
Fandom: Due South
Genre/pairing: Show love letter (the best way to describe it), ensemble, Fraser/Kowalski (could be friendship)
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: This video is here for the benefit of the younger F-listers, most of whom, I presume, may have never seen the awesomeness that was Due South. This thought makes me very sad. *shakes head despondently* The show had it all: culture clashes, deaf wolves, judgemental ghosts, fantasy sequences, action, friendship, domesticity… a repressed, exiled mountie and twitchy cop with experimental hair finding love together. (And Callum Keith Rennie who I would jump in a second even if he is a Cylon nowadays…). Anyway, I was supposed to talk about the vid, wasn’t I? Well, the best word to describe it is… heart-warming. Really and truly, this vid fills me with the kind of nostalgic love that burns like slow embers inside, warming me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. The clips, like the show, are sweet but not cloying, and the song choice equally so. This is one of my guaranteed feel-good videos, that I indulge in every now and then, usually when I need the good kind of cry. Watch the video people. Then buy the DVDs. Then hit me for some fic recs.
Download link and info: From the vidder's website. Scroll down half-way.

Vid: Anodyne
Fandom: Scrubs
Genre/pairing: Character-centric (JD plus the ensemble), Gen
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: You should watch the video so that you know why you should watch the show itself. I haven’t a clue how they do it, but Scrubs manages to be both stomach-crampingly hilarious and genuinely touching at the same time. Seriously, this is the show the proved to me that it is, in fact, possible (but not pleasant) to laugh and cry simultaneously. The video is wonderfully upbeat, absurd, sweet and poignant, and maintains the feel of the show perfectly (especially the part about JD’s and Turk’s friendship makes me aaawww all over the place). Excellent introduction to the wacky world of Scrubs.
Download link and info: From the vidder's original LJ post.

Vid: Setting Sun
Vidder: Martouf Marty aka
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Genre/pairing: Action, show overview, Gen
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: I’m a pretty wordy gal. By that I mean that when it comes to music, it’s the lyrics that usually clinch the deal for me. Which is why I’m always utterly awed when someone can make a video work so spectacularly for a song like this. Well, yes, there are some lyrics here (and pretty fitting and interesting ones at that), but really, it’s mostly about the sound rather than words, and the vidder knows this to the last beat, the last wail of synthesizer. This video is doped up on pure adrenaline (or probably Wraith-enzyme), and the action is just relentless. The editing and clip-choice… I can’t even begin to describe how fabulous those are (the flip-and-reverse scenes fill me with glee, and every time I watch the part with the explosion from Trinity I stop breathing). Everything is somehow very physical and raw and beautiful. Really, it’s like good sex. And with that endorsement I really have to wonder why you’re not downloading the vid already?
Download link and info: From the vidder’s website. Go to TV Vid > Stargate Atlantis.


Miss an edition? Oh-ho my pretties, let me provide:
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 1 (weepy angst)
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 2 (humour and crack)
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 3 (hard-hitting angst)
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 4 (sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll violence)

Next edition: ZOMG Watch Mah Show! - Part 2

due south, doctor who, themed vid recs of doom, angel the series, fanvid rec, buffy the vampire slayer, scrubs, stargate atlantis

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