Title: Summer Wine
kat_lair / Mistress Kat
Fandom: Lewis
Pairing: Lewis/Hathaway
Rating: PG
Word count: 498
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing
Summary: James’ mouth is sticky from berry juice and wine, stretching almost obscenely around the slightly drunken vowels as he talks about… something.
Author notes: Written for
lewis_challenge Summer Challenge 2018 (now exclusively on DW). The prompt was
Summer Wine Summer Wine on DWSummer Wine on AO3 ***
Title: Skinny-Dipping
kat_lair / Mistress Kat
Fandom: Lewis
Pairing: Lewis/Hathaway
Rating: PG
Word count: 225
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing
Summary: “You’re joking,” Hathaway says flatly even though the growing pile of clothes on the ground strongly indicates otherwise.
Author notes: Written for
lewis_challenge Summer Challenge 2018 (now exclusively on DW). The prompt was
this picture Skinny-Dipping on DWSkinny-Dipping on AO3 ***
Title: Morning After
kat_lair / Mistress Kat
Fandom: Lewis
Pairing: Lewis/Hathaway
Rating: PG
Word count: 425
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing
Summary: “Pliant the morning after, aren’t you?” Robbie observes, grinning at him. “Not that I’m complaining, mind.”
Author notes: Written for
lewis_challenge Summer Challenge 2018 (now exclusively on DW). The prompt was "The morning heat had already soaked through the walls, rising up from the floor like a ghost of summers past." (Erik Tomblin, Riverside Blues)
Morning After on DWMorning After on AO3 ***