Title: Spoonful of Sunday
kat_lair/ Mistress Kat &
pushkin666Fandom: QI RPF
Pairing: Alan Davies/Stephen Fry, Kenneth Branagh/Hugh Laurie/Emma Thompson (background), Stephen Fry/OMC (past), Alan Davies/OMC (past)
Genre: coffee shop AU
Rating: R
Word count: 40,730 (ahahaha ughhhhh)
Disclaimer: This is not a real story about real people. This is a fictional story about fictional representations of real people.
Summary: Alan owns a coffee shop. Stephen owns a caffeine addiction and a sweet tooth. Neither of them own up to their feelings, at least not out loud. Cue mutual pining and a lot of cake.
Author notes: Look, this is sheer, ridiculous authorial self-indulgence of clichés and more food related stuff than January diet really allows for. You might still enjoy it.
margaret_r said she did even after beta-reading it (bless her) so who knows? Read with coffee and cake, you’ll probably want some anyway.
Read on LJ Read on AO3 ***