Lord of the Rings Drabble: Fidem in Flore

Dec 15, 2016 17:58


Title: Fidem in Flore
Author: kat_lair/ Mistress Kat
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Frodo/Sam implied
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing

Summary: It wasn’t proper to say such things aloud.

Author notes: Written as part of Halloween fangirl weekend with pushkin666 and dreamersdare. We all wrote to same fandom (Tolkien) and prompt (pledge).

It wasn’t proper to say such things aloud, Sam knew that. It wasn’t strictly proper for him to even be thinking them, but he did, had always done, even before he knew what words like ‘fidelity’ and ‘oath’ even meant. He knew he could never say them to Frodo, would never burden his Master with what was surely unwanted and unneeded, but he could not keep them inside entirely. So Sam whispered those words to his flowers, dug his pledge into the rich earth of Bag End gardens, watched it grow and bloom stronger year after year like his feelings.


lord of the rings, my fanfiction

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