Stargate Atlantis Ficlet: Reverse

Dec 13, 2016 17:47


Title: Reverse
Author: kat_lair/ Mistress Kat
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Radek/Rodney
Rating: PG
Word count: 146
Disclaimer: Not mine, only playing

Summary: It was way past time to pull the brakes on this thing of theirs, whatever it was.

Author notes: Written as part of Halloween fangirl weekend with pushkin666 and dreamersdare. We all wrote to same fandom ( ( Read more... )

my fanfiction, stargate atlantis

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Comments 10

margaret_r December 14 2016, 02:03:10 UTC
Oh no! Hope they work it out! A lovely little ficlet, so poignant. Really enjoyed it.


kat_lair December 14 2016, 21:00:36 UTC
Thank you! I was in the mood to write some angst with ambiguous ending :D


milly_gal December 14 2016, 08:35:08 UTC
NOOOOO! Radek and Rodney always made so much sense to me!!


kat_lair December 14 2016, 21:01:20 UTC
Me too! One of my favourite SGA pairings. Geeks in love! Or, geeks failing at communicating about being in love...


milly_gal December 15 2016, 15:00:43 UTC
The latter I'm thinking ;)


pushkin666 December 14 2016, 19:05:38 UTC
No... Radek you don't want to end it no matter how much Rodney might just leave you in the cold of your room. You can get him to come around. Seriously hun this is so good for so few words.


kat_lair December 14 2016, 21:17:10 UTC
Too few words is at the heart of this I think. Geeks failing to communicate about feelings :D I think Radek pulling the brakes is just the thing to jolt Rodney into realising what he's doing. Or not doing.


pushkin666 December 15 2016, 21:00:04 UTC
Yeah it would definitely jolt Rodney into realising what he's doing.


moth2fic December 15 2016, 19:16:03 UTC


kat_lair December 16 2016, 22:04:54 UTC
:D Probably not what Rodney thinks when Radek puts his foot down!


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